How to increase effectiveness

Healthy nutrition and physical activity are the keys to good performance for men

How to improve the effectiveness of men? The characteristic of a person who is born full of strength and health is the belief that he will remain so strong and healthy throughout his long and happy years. Ignoring the basis of proper nutrition and eating unsuitable but harmful foods will not affect him in any way. That kind of condescending attitude towards sports activities, bad habits will let him get away with it. Eh, no! -The body is irritated, and sooner or later it will react to this indifference to failure.

Effectiveness issues

In men, the corresponding failure often turns into a problem of effectiveness: weak erections, which may not last, decreased libido, decreased sperm quality. . . the previous good figure? The answer is simple: follow a familiar and healthy lifestyle since childhood, pay attention to nutrition and sports training, get enough rest, and reduce tension.

In the first question of effectiveness, it is even better-to prevent them, it is very important to have a balanced diet and provide the body with all those substances that can have a beneficial effect on sexual performance and the quality of sexual life.


In order to increase effectiveness, sufficient protein must be consumed in the food, but the fat in the diet should not exceed and be no less than 30%. The main sources of protein are meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, peas, and dairy products.

In addition, in order to increase effectiveness, it is very important for the male body to obtain the necessary minerals and vitamins from food. Phosphorus has a positive effect on the quality of potency. Its main sources can be almonds and peanuts, zucchini seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, mushrooms, garlic, beef and lamb, herbs (parsley, spinach, celery), crabs, dried plums and raisins.

An important element in this regard is also considered to be zinc, which is necessary for the production of the main male hormone-testosterone. You can get zinc by eating raw eggs, peas and lentils, oats, rye, wheat, and liver. However, it should be noted that the standard diet involves the consumption of 10 to 15 mg of zinc in food, but the body absorbs no more than one-third of zinc. Therefore, many experts recommend taking zinc tablets and dietary supplements every day.

Vitamin E is another essential element for enhancing male power. You can get it from bread made from whole wheat wheat and bran, fresh grains, nuts, soybeans, sunflower, peanut and sesame oil, bananas, and tomatoes.

Stress and neurosis

Usually, the temporary loss of potency is related to continued stress and neurosis, which means that in order to increase potency, it is necessary to eliminate these factors that negatively affect potency. Massage procedures, aroma baths, yoga classes and good sleep will help cope with nervous tension. Experts believe that anxiety, tension and lack of morale are usually directly related to vitamin A deficiency.

In the body, which eggs can be supplemented. There are countless dishes prepared using them: these are omelets, boiled eggs and traditional scrambled eggs. By the way, it is recommended to add onions, as this product is also considered very, very useful for potency.

Regular physical activity will help relieve stress and fill the body with healing oxygen, make blood circulate faster in the circulatory system, and prevent the formation of excess weight (by the way, this does not have the best effect on effectiveness). Physical training is considered to be one of the main conditions for maintaining the tone and effectiveness of the body at a level.

Physical load

However, it must be remembered that a moderate load will bring happiness to people and have a beneficial effect on effectiveness. However, excessive physical activity can lead to fatigue, resulting in reduced effectiveness, so the main content of training is not to over-exercise.

While training, it can be useful to take a contrast bath, go to the bathhouse regularly, and do other types of exercise.

bad habits

In addition, there is a great need to get rid of habits that are harmful to potency (if any): quit smoking. It is very possible to increase effectiveness by refusing cigarettes, because smoking is often the main cause of cardiovascular disease, which determines the state of effectiveness to a large extent.

Drinking alcohol also needs attention: in principle, do not exceed the dose recommended by the doctor to avoid potency problems. There is evidence that a good glass of wine can even stimulate sexual activity. Generally speaking, in order to maintain health and good potency, the recommended daily dose of alcohol is 30 grams.

Medicinal effect

Recently, drugs that increase potency and dietary supplements have become more and more popular. No matter which medicine becomes the first choice, you should not take it without consulting your doctor. Only an expert can determine whether a drug needs to be used to enhance its effectiveness, and if so, the dosage and timing of the administration.